Voice teachers in Hochelaga
Having a voice teacher near you makes private singing lessons a breeze to take even through the winter. Our singing teachers in Hochelaga offer in studio and online voice lessons to ages 10+. Voice lessons are available in Hochelaga for healthy vocal technique, popular music (pop), indie, musical theatre, jazz, song writing, recording techniques including comfortability with singing into a microphone, and performance coaching.
Voice teachers available in
Heidi Jutras is a singer/background vocalist and songwriter with a passion for all that is music. With a vast musical background that spans across continents, she has worked with Quebec’s greatest artists. Heidi has been teaching for the past 15 years, sharing her vocal knowledge and her stage experience whether it’s for the simple pleasure of singing, to get ready for an audition or a show, to perfect riffs & runs skills or for a studio session coaching.
$80 /hour
$60 /45 minutes
$40 /30 minutes
Online Rates
$65 /hour
$50 /45 minutes
$30 /30 minutes
Who Is The Best Singing Teacher FOr You?
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Student Alumni

Alex Nicol



Laurena Mayifuila Mayowele

Samantha Timmons

Julian Basurto